The simple present is used for actions that are done always, often or
never. In some cases you use it in order to describe a situation or even an
action that never changes, a habit or a custom for example. That is why you can
have keywords like always, often, sometimes, never, usually,
every day, regularly and so on. These word occur in front of the
We live in a very nice house
I never go shopping on Saturdays
I always eat a wonderful trout on Christmas eve.
The simple present is like the infinitive, the only exception is the
third person where you have to add an –s
- a difficulty for some
I see
Ich sehe
du siehst
he, she, it sees
er, sie es sieht
we see
wir sehen
ihr seht
they see
sie sehen
And now you see, that in comparison to German English is much easier.
For questions and negations you have to use a form of “to do”
Do we go there, too ?
Do you know the way to the next tram station ?
Does she work in that shop ?
Why do you want to learn English ?
What do you usually do on a Monday morning ?
When does the next show start ?
I do not quite follow you !
He does not live in this street, he lives the other end of the
I don’t know that.
You don’t walk on water !
She doesn’t smoke at work.
You can see, that for the negations “do not” or “does not”
the short forms don’t and doesn’t are used.
Und noch einmal auf
Deutsch und in übersichtlicher Form :
Zur Bildung :
Die Bildung des simple
present entspricht der Grundform (dem Infinitiv) des Verbs.
I usually buy my vegetables at the shop around the corner.
In der 3. Person Singular
wird ein –s angehängt oder auch ……”he,she, it das –S muss mit !”
Bei Fragen und
Verneinungen wird das Verb mit einer Form von “to do” umschrieben, wenn das
Prädikat aus einem Vollverb besteht.
He doesn´t go ........./ I don´t go
Does he go…. ? /
Do you see…….
Doesn´t she work…../ Don´t
Zur Verwendung :
Das simple present
Gewohnheiten oder auch sich
wiederholende Handlungen
I read my weekly magazine every Friday.
Signalwörter sind hier z.B. : always, every day, ever week, sometimes,
usually, often, never
Allgemeingültige Aussagen
oder Wahrheiten
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Gedanken, Gefühle, die durch
bestimmte Verben ausgedrückt werden
I think it´s wonderful.
Verben sind hier z.B. : to like, to want, to believe, to think, to mean,
to know, to understand
Zustände, die durch bestimmte
Verben ausgedrückt werden
This book belongs to him.
Verben sind hier z.B : to belong, to cost, to own, to need, to seem, to
remember, to forget